Meet the Сity Administrator

The City of Fairburn operates as a Mayor/Council form government with a City Administrator. A full-time city administrator serves at the pleasure of Mayor and Council and is responsible for carrying out their policy directives and managing the day-to-day operations of the City.
Primary Responsibilities of the City Administrator
- Enforce all laws and ordinances of the City and ensure that all contracts, permits, and privileges granted by the City are faithfully observed
- Direct and supervise all Department Heads and employees in the efficient delivery of municipal services; establish and maintain an organizational structure of offices, departments, positions, and units within the City in the interest of efficient, effective, and economical conduct of the City's business
- Supervise and evaluate the performance of Department Heads
- Recommend to the City Council the adoption of ordinance and resolutions deemed necessary and appropriate for the best interest of the City; develop, plan and implement City goals and objectives; recommend and administer policies and procedures
- Draft and revise as directed by the City Council a proposed annual budget and salary plan for the City; including a review of the previous year's revenues and expenses and a projection of the next year's revenues and expenses
- Prepare and administer the City's annual budget
- Interpret and apply City ordinance, policies, procedures, rules and regulations