Levelized Billing Program

Levelized billing is a payment method that eliminates large seasonal fluctuations in your monthly utility bill by taking a rolling average of your last 12 bills. The rolling average allows your utility bills to be about the same amount each month, making it easier for you to set your utility budget. The Levelized Billing Program is a great option if you live on a fixed income, don’t like seasonal bill fluctuations, or if you want a more predictable utility bill from month-to-month.
Levelized Billing Eligibility Requirements
- Levelized billing is available only for residential utility customers.
- You must have at least 12 months of continuous utility service history at your current location.
- Your utility account must have a zero balance at the time of application.
- You must have 12 months of on time payments.
- You may not be on restriction for paying by check.
How It Works
- Your levelized bill will include all services provided by the City of Fairburn (electric, water, sewer, Stormwater, garbage)
- While your monthly payment will be around the same amount each month, it will fluctuate slightly month-to-month based on your actual usage.
- Your actual consumption and your levelized payment will differ. Consumption is typically higher than your levelized payment in the summer and winter, and is typically lower than your levelized payment in the spring and fall. This means that there will likely be times when your levelized payment is more or less than you are actually using, as shown in the graph below.
- When you are participating in the Levelized Billing Program, your account balance will represent the difference between your monthly consumption and your levelized payment. Your balance may be positive or negative, typically depending on the season and your actual consumption. This difference will either be credited or collected should you unenroll from the Levelized Billing Program.
- We recommend that you remain in the Levelized Billing Program for at least one full year so we can use the fall and spring months to level out the high usage you typically have in the summer and winter. Please be aware that you may be removed from the Levelized Billing Program for any of the reasons listed below.
Month | Actual Consumption | Levelized Payment | Account Balance |
December | $155.69 | $201.93 | $46.24 |
January | $160.34 | $189.99 | $65.89 |
February | $256.58 | $186.96 | -$3.73 |
March | $190.28 | $180.51 | -$13.50 |
April | $179.25 | $184.61 | -$8.14 |
May | $159.14 | $185.00 | $17.72 |
June | $182.94 | $185.17 | $19.95 |
July | $163.38 | $181.21 | $37.78 |
August | $230.16 | $183.20 | -$9.18 |
September | $209.37 | $185.80 | -$32.75 |
October | $174.05 | $183.48 | -$23.32 |
November | $149.00 | $185.02 | $12.70 |
Removal From The Program
You may be removed from the Levelized Billing Program for one or more of the following reasons:
- You request to unenroll from the Program.
- You did not make an on time payment (monthly)
- Your service is disconnected for non-payment.
- Your payment check is returned due to insufficient funds.
If you are removed from the Levelized Billing Program, you must wait twelve (12) months to reapply and meet the eligibility requirements noted above.