LCI Streetscape Project

The project includes streetscape enhancements along US 29 from Malone Street to approximately 175 ft north of Strickland Street. US 29 will remain four lanes. Improvements include a vegetated median, removal of southbound right turn lane onto Campbellton Road, expansion of pedestrian facilities along the westbound side of US 29 & signal upgrades at Smith Street, Campbellton Road, & Dodd Street. Pedestrian improvements along the west of US 29 include new granite header curb, brick paver sidewalks, street trees, raised planter beds, & new pedestrian street lighting. The east side of US 29 will include brick paver sidewalk, grass buffer strip, new street lighting, & landscaping. The project also includes the rehabilitation of the former Smith Street underpass into a pedestrian walkway & plaza space. This will include a brick staircase, ADA ramp, and aesthetic improvements to the underpass.