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Fire Marshal

Mission Statement
The Fire Marshal's Office will provide a high level of life safety and property protection for the community and first responders through inspection, investigation, education, engineering, and enforcement.
General Information
Fire Prevention is the inspection, education, engineering, and enforcement division of the fire department providing life safety services through code enforcement and inspections during the new business development process, general fire inspections, operating and special use permitting, and complaint investigation.
Fire Prevention is the key to saving lives and property. Fire Prevention education is the first step in the Fire Department's commitment to protecting the lives and property of our citizens, guests, and neighboring communities.
The Fairburn Fire Department's Fire Marshal's Office is committed to providing you the most comprehensive information and assistance possible. This site will guide you to timely safety information, permit applications, inspections, forms, and publications.
Fire Marshal and Deputy Fire Marshal (Captain)
The Fire Marshal and Deputy Fire Marshal (Captain) have jurisdiction in these matters for all of Fairburn. Title 25, Chapter 2, of the Official Code of Georgia (O.C.G.A.) allows the Safety Fire Commissioner of Georgia to adopt rules and regulations to promote fire safety. The Fire Marshal's Office (FMO) 's primary task is enforcing these "Rules and Regulations for the State Minimum Fire Safety Standards" as adopted by the State Fire Commissioner.
These rules and regulations are adopted under Chapter 120-3-3, "Rules and Regulations of the Safety Fire Commissioner," and are known as "Rules and Regulations for the State Minimum Fire Safety Standards." The other 120 Rules are also adopted for specific areas of fire safety code adoption and enforcement. Certain National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards and the International Fire Code are adopted under these 120 rules. According to 25-2-4 O.C.G.A., these codes have the "force and effect of law."
Fairburn adopts these state minimum standards for local enforcement purposes by reference in Fairburn, Georgia - Code of Ordinances Chapter 29 - FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION. The FMO also enforces local fire protection ordinances found in Chapter 29 of the Fairburn, Georgia - Code of Ordinances.
The Fire Marshal's Office has the responsibility to conduct fire and life safety inspections of existing buildings and structures, review plans and specifications for proposed buildings and structures, maintain records, and respond to customer questions and concerns relating to fire hazards.
Fairburn requires that plan reviewers review plans and specifications before the approval of building or installation permits. This ensures public safety by establishing compliance with local ordinances, including the local fire code.
Applicable Codes within Fairburn
- 2018 IBC with Georgia amendments
- 2018 IFC with Georgia amendments
- 2018 NFPA 101 with Georgia amendments
- 2018 IMC with Georgia amendments
- 2017 National Electrical Code
- Chapter 120-3-3 Rules and Regulations for the State Minimum Fire Safety Standards
- Chapter 120-3-20 Georgia Accessibility Code
- Chapter 120-3-11 Georgia Rules and Regulations NFPA 30 and 30A
- 2019 NFPA 13 and 13R
- 2019 NFPA 72
- For Fairburn Fire Prevention Codes, see Fairburn, Georgia - Code of Ordinances Chapter 29 - FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION
- For all other fire code standards, see State of Georgia Fire Marshal's Office
Plan Review Checklist
- Assembly
- Commodity
- Day Care Inspection
- Electronic Locks
- Fire Alarm
- Fire Sprinkler
- Kitchen Hood
- Pre-Construction
- Spray Booth
- Storage
- Tenant Buildout
- Tent Permit Requirement / Tent Permit
The Fire Marshal's Office conducts inspections on new construction, existing construction, tenant finishes, and new or modified fire protection and life safety systems. The office also handles complaints from citizens and provides assistance to responding fire crews when the crew comes across a technical code issue they are unable to address.
During the construction or renovation process, the fire department requires inspections to ensure the approved plans and compliance with all applicable codes and ordinances. A fire department inspector conducts an on-site inspection at least twice: at the 80% stage and then at 100% completion of the project. When applicable, an inspector will require additional inspections as dictated by the project.
Normally, we will perform an inspection the day following the request. If a project fails an inspection, the applicant will schedule a re-inspection. The first inspection and re-inspection are free. Once a project passes the final inspection, a certificate of occupancy is issued to the applicant. The Certificate of Occupancy must be prominently posted near the main entrance to the building.
Inspections must be scheduled at least 24 hours before the inspection and are only scheduled for a particular day. If a more specific time is desired, please include appropriate notes with the request and on-site contact.
Inspections are conducted in the following areas: (permit request forms and checklist on the website)
- 80% New Construction Inspection
- 100% New Construction Inspection
- Accessibility Inspections
- Annual Inspections
- Carnival Inspection
- Commercial Burn Pit Inspections
- Commercial Fire Sprinkler Systems
- Fire Pump Test
- Pressure Test
- Water Flow Test (Alarm)
- Complaint Inspections
- Courtesy Inspections
- Fire Alarm Systems
- Smoke Test
- Water Flow Test
- Firework Displays Inspections
- Kitchen Hood
- Suppression Systems (Balloon test)
- Vent System
- Light Test
- Wrap Inspection
- Knox Box Inspections
- Occupant Load Calculations
- Occupancy Tax Business License Approval
- Tent Inspections
- Above-ground and Underground (State Approval) Fuel Tanks Installation Inspection
Fire Investigations
Investigative Goal
It is the policy of the Fairburn Fire Department to determine the origin and cause of all fires. In the event a criminal act is determined to have occurred, to seek out and prosecute anyone involved in the act of intentionally setting, assisting another, or counseling another to set fire to any structure or object for revenge, financial gain, to defraud another or any other reason applicable to the official code of Georgia.
Investigator Notification
- A fire investigator shall be notified when one or more of the following conditions exist.
- A cause determination cannot be made with available personnel.
- A second alarm is requested.
- There is an indication of criminal activity relating to the fire.
- Suspected multiple fire patterns/origins.
- Any fire death, burns, injury, or life-threatening injuries caused by smoke or escape attempt.
- Explosion/firebombing.
- An immediate need to document a fire scene.
Fairburn Fire Marshal's office is proud to offer fire and life safety programs to the City of Fairburn citizens. Fire safety educators conduct training, provide lectures and fire safety demonstrations in elementary schools, homeowner associations, businesses, and senior centers free of charge.
Training sessions address the common causes of fire and fire injuries in the home and provide information on preventing fires and what to do in case of fire. The fire safety education programs target those most vulnerable to fire--young children and older adults.
Other programs offered by Fairburn Fire Marshal's office include Fire Truck Demos, Fire Station Visits, Fire Extinguisher Demos, Basic Fire Safety Demos, Child Seat installations, and Smoke Alarm Program.
Fire Safety Bus
The Fire Safety Bus is scaled down to a one-level house and allows children to experience a simulated fire-like situation in a home setting. Children will walk through a kitchen, living room, and bedroom attempting to locate fire hazards. The children can also practice their escape plan as the fire safety house fills with non-toxic smoke.
In addition to teaching residents about fire safety, the house can also train children about what to do in severe weather, such as thunderstorms and tornadoes.