Fire FAQs

Fire Department
Does Fairburn allow outdoor burning?
Yes; from October 1 through April 30. Individuals should call the Georgia Forestry Commission
Why does a fire truck come when you call for an ambulance?
Because firefighters can and do get there first, and time is critical in a medical emergency. Every Fairburn Fire fighter is cross-trained in Emergency Medical Services.
What is ISO and my fire insurance rating?
The Insurance Services Offices, Inc. (ISO) rates jurisdictions on factors related to fire coverage that include water supply, dispatch procedures, and fire resources. Our current rating for Fairburn is a 1.
Why does the City flow fire hydrants into the street when there's not a fire?
The City of Fairburn is required to conduct bi-annual hydrant service. This allows the Fire Department to ensure that the hydrants are in proper working order. Additionally, flowing the hydrants allows any obstructions, sediment, etc. to be flushed from the hydrant line.
When is hydrant service done?
Fire hydrant service is done twice a year, the dates are published on the City website, newsletter, and signage is placed in the affected neighborhoods.
Where does my ambulance come from?
Fulton County government maintains the ambulance contract for the entire County, including the City of Fairburn. Currently, a private vendor, Grady EMS, staff ambulances in the Fulton County zone. Normally, the "closest" ambulance to the emergency is dispatched by Fulton County communications.
Does the fire department charge for coming to my home?
There is no charge for fire department response to citizens of Fairburn. The expense incurred is maintained by the City fire department budget.
Why do so many fire apparatus respond to simple incidents?
Units are dispatched according to information received by Dispatch. Many times the type of situation found upon arrival is very different from the situation dispatched. And, part of responding to an emergency situation means being prepared to deal with the worst case scenario. Discovering that we need more units upon arrival is often too late. Experience has taught us that it's better to have too much help than not enough.
Why do fire trucks respond to motor vehicle accidents?
Automobile accidents present other hazards such as potential fire, ruptured fuel tanks, undeployed airbags and/or the presence of hazardous materials. If any occupants are trapped they will begin the extrication (removal) process. Since all of our firefighters are Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT's) or Paramedics, they can begin assessing an injured party's condition and assist in providing treatment prior to the arrival of ambulance personnel. Additionally, all fire apparatus carry extrication tools.
Why do fire trucks with full lights and sirens go through red lights at intersections and then, after they go through, they turn off their lights and slow down?
Emergency lights and siren are used only when responding to a call. Sometimes several units are dispatched to the same incident. When the first unit arrives on scene, they may assess the situation and inform the dispatcher they can handle the emergency. All other responding units are then cancelled and put back into service, ready to take another call.
When I see an emergency vehicle approaching with lights and sirens while I am driving, what should I do?
State law, and common sense, dictates that vehicles yield to emergency vehicles that are operating their emergency lights and siren. Emergency vehicle drivers are taught to pass on the left whenever possible when responding in an emergency mode. When safe, slow down, pull over to the right, and stop. However, there are circumstances where that may not be possible (if your car is already stopped, and you don't have anywhere to pull over). Simply stay put until the emergency vehicle goes around you. If you are blocking the route of the emergency vehicle, and you are able to pull ahead and over into a clear area, use your turn signal to indicate your intentions, and proceed at a safe speed. Never slam on the brakes and stop in the middle of the road when you see apparatus approaching. Make no sudden moves. If an emergency vehicle is approaching from the opposite direction, you should pull over and stop. You have no idea if they are proceeding down the road, or are planning on turning into a driveway or intersection right in front of you. You are not required to slow down or pull over for emergency vehicles that are responding in the opposite direction on a divided highway. Do not tailgate, "draft", or follow a responding apparatus closely. Not only is this illegal, you run the risk of collision as vehicles pull back out into traffic after the emergency vehicle goes by.
I live in Fairburn, why do I see fire trucks from different cities responding to calls here?
Fairburn Fire Department participates in an automatic aid agreement with cities within Fulton County and surrounding agencies. When you call 9-1-1, your call and location is entered into a computer at Fulton County Dispatch Center.). The computer will take the information from your call and depending on the closest unit based on the pre-existing automatic aid agreement, the unit closest to your emergency regardless of agency will be dispatched to your emergency. It is not uncommon to see outside agency fire apparatus in Fairburn and vice versa.